By default the software will create a directory structure for output files based on the directory where the data on the endogenous variables are stored. In the directory above, the *.var model files will be stored. Since The Model File is the main input file for efficient use of the program, it is natural to keep this file on top of everything else. The results or output file will be stored in a directory below the model files (i.e., parallel to the data directory) called results. In that directory, any graphics files you create with SVAR will also be saved (see Supported Graphics). Finally, restrictions (*.rest) and normalization (*.norm) files are stored in the directory models parallel to the data and the results directories. By disabling this feature, all files created by SVAR will be saved in the same directory as the data file for the endogenous variables.
By changing manually the directory for the output file in the main program window, results and graphs will be stored in that directory.
An Example
Suppose your data file for the endogenous variables is located in the directory c:\var-models\mydata and that the file is called By default, the model file, e.g., named model.var is stored in the directory c:\var-models, while the output files are stored in c:\var-models\results and restrictions and normalization files in c:\var-models\models. That way, data input is separated from data output and from model input. If you decide not the use the default directory structure, then all files will be stored in c:\var-models\mydata.