2D Editing Tools


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On the toolbar you'll new find an "Add Rectangle" button, while the same function is also available from the Edit Menu under the Add item.


On the Axes Context Menu you'll find, in addition to the common tools, the following items:


Stretch: You can stretch horizontal, vertical and 45 degree lines to their limits (as determined by the axes limits). In addition, you can stretch any rectangles vertically as well as horizontally. Only lines and rectangles in the current axes object are affected.
Import Data: You can import data from a valid data file (see Data Input for details) and paste it directly into the axes. The data will either be plotted as a line or as a section of bars. In addition, you can select the desired sample period to import, whether or not the data should be rescaled (including rescaling of the mean) and which variable you wish to import.
Export Data: Exports the data in the axes objects to a text file. Only the data making up lines (vertical and horizontal lines as well as mouse-made lines are excluded) and patches (confidence intervals and histograms) will be printed to the file, along with the X-axis data; dates or the values.
Statistics: Calculates simple statistics about the data in the current axes given that it can be interpreted as time series data. The results are presented in a statistics window.
Match Data Units: If the data units and the labels text don't match on the X or the Y axis, you can force them to match. Once imposed on the axes, you can select to undo this change; see the Graphics tab on the Preferences dialog for details on how to impose the matching behavior by default.
Y Axis Zero Line: If there is no line representing the value 0 on the Y axis, this function allows you to create such a line.